Tuesday, 22 January 2013

[Flash Gaming] Generic Defense Game Review

Generic Defense Game is exactly what it calls itself. You are a generic player who defends himself from waves upon waves of random types of enemies, from zombies, to football players, to pacman ghosts. You have to survive, until you die.


No story, just survive!
- 1/10


The music is just a loop of a simple little song basically. The SFX, on the other hand, and pretty well done, even if they are stolen, which some sound like they are. It's always satisfying to hear that pacman ghost dying noise though.
- 3/10


There is a nice variation of enemy types, but many are just recolored. The blood effects on the ground get really distracting and clutter the screen after a couple waves, sometimes causing enemies to blend in.
- 3.5/10


Game runs fairly smoothly, but it's just not that fun. It seems like it could be part of a game, like a bonus mode to a bigger game.
- 2.5/10


This game isn't actually that bad in terms of replayability. It has many different modes, yet all of them contain of basically the same thing, just different enemies. To get the most out of the game in one go, do Ultimate Survival, as it has all the enemy types.
- 1.5/10


I wouldn't recommend this game unless you are going for the badge, there is just not enough content there to stay enjoyable after 5-10 minutes

Total Score:  2.5/10

[Flash Gaming] Gamma Bros Review

Gamma Bros is another shooter game, but this one is set outside your space station. Two brothers go on a quest to defend the universe from "The Black Skull". Gameplay is sort of like geometry wars, but with more details.


The two brothers must travel the universe to ultimately defeat the Black Skull enemy.
- 2/10


I love the retro soundtrack, but it is a little simple. It does fit the spacey mood of the game though. The enemy destruction SFX can be a little distraction, as well as some other sounds like getting lots of coins.
- 4/10


Nice retro graphics, which go hand in hand with the music style and gameplay. Not very great in comparison to everything else out now.
- 3.5/10

Should have more info on what the different powerups do, but other than that, there is nothing really bad I can say about the gameplay :) It runs smoothly.
- 3.5/10


Again, this game has little replayability. Once you beat it, it just feels like the same thing over again if you were to play it again.
- 1.5/10


An actually somewhat difficult game, it has a nice mix of challenge and fun, but it still does not really stand out all that much.

Total Score:  3/10

Monday, 21 January 2013

[Flash Gaming] P.O.D. Review

 P.O.D. Is a shooter type of game where you must control a turret to defeat the oncoming alien invaders.The goal of the game is to get past the 12 levels and destroy the final mothership


Aliens are coming to invade the planet you are on, and you must do anything you can to stop them. The game is composed of a mini boss (green tentacled monster) and the final mothership.
- 2.5/10


Very monotonous and typical run of the mill sfx.
- 2/10


The graphics have a cute edge to them, sort of like a plasticine feel. You can tell that much of the objects are repeatedly copied throughout the levels. 
- 4/10


Everything seems to be fully functional, and it's a decent game gameplaywise, but there isn't much to it.
- 3.5/10


There is hardly any replayability. There are different difficulty levels, but nothing that really makes you want to get back into it. If you are going for a high score, then you might want to replay, but the problem is that it's basically just killing everything faster. It doesn't really work well for competitions.
- 1.5/10


Fun for a run, but not for the long one.

Total Score:  3/10

Saturday, 19 January 2013

[Flash Gaming] Four Second Frenzy Review

Four Second Frenzy is a series of small, 4 second games within a bigger game. The goal is to play the minigames with the arrow keys and space bar, and you only have 4 seconds for each one!


There isn't much of a story, you play the minigames, and then play more minigames to beat the boss
- 1/10


The only real SFX are the buzzer sounds when you lose a minigame. The music is pretty well done, but it gets old pretty quickly.There is no mute button, unfortunately.
- 5.5/10


The animation work for the objects like the blob that has to collect stars is really well done, and the game art is simplistic at times but it works into the cartoony minigame style of the game
- 5/10


Gameplay is smooth, and works for what it is. The only playability complaints I would have is the hugh amount of lag during the zombie minigame and the sensitive crazy controls of that blob catching stars minigame.
- 4/10


There are a few different modes, which allow for variation in the style of play, and the game makes you want to keep playing until you never lose any of the 50 minigames.
- 3.5/10


Another one of those quick, pick up and play for 10 minute sort of games. An ancient gem, nonetheless.

Total Score:  4.5/10

[Flash Gaming] B29 Assault Review

B29 Assault is a typical top down shooter containing 6 stages. It's really 3 stages, but you go from the bottom to the top, and then turn around on each one. It is comparable to Raiden.


It takes place in mid 21st century, and the world has been taken over by terrorists. Your pilot has come from the future in the B29 Bomber and you must go to major areas of the world and put a stop to the terrorist threat.
- 3.5/10


The explosion SFX are somewhat nice and clean to hear, but they are probably just generic explosions noises, which is to be expected of course. The music is really repetitive, and it also seems a bit unfitting seeing as the game is a top down shooter, not Dance Dance Revolution.
- 3/10


Can't say that I'm too fond of the graphics in this game, but it is a low budget game from 2006 or so. The explosion effects are sort of nice, but other than that, nothing really stands out
- 3/10


All you do is stay back and fire everywhere, there isn't really much innovative content, just a basic top down.
- 2.5/10


There is none, especially since there are much better top downs out there, even at the time of release.
- 1/10


I wouldn't recommend this game unless you really wanted to play it, it's fine for a laugh and to forget about in 10-20 minutes, which is the time taken to finish it about.

Total Score:  2.5/10

Friday, 18 January 2013

[Flash Gaming] Particles Review

Particles is a game where you must survive by using the mouse to dodge the increasing amount of dodge-ball particles thrown at you. Try to beat my score of 243! :)


There is no story, just survive!
- 1/10


SFX are all that they need to be, and the music is actually quite catchy and I didn't have to turn it off to concentrate unlike many other games.
- 6.5/10


Simplistic minimalistic graphics, which again, are all that needs to be in a game with such a simple concept. Can't really give them a high scoring though because of the way it compares to the rest of the flash gaming world.
- 2/10


Can be frustrating sometimes but overall it is really quite fun. (At least, once you get that hard badge)
- 5.5/10


The addiction factor is there, but once you pass the 200 second mark, if you do, and get the badge, there is little reason to want to play afterwards unless you are going for a highscore or competing with friends.
 - 3/10


Particles is a pretty decent gem from way back, it succeeds in what it what trying to be, which is a simple, pick up and play game.

Total Score:  4.5/10

[Flash Gaming] The Last Stand Review

The Last Stand is one of the first games created by ConArtists, creators of Crush The Castle, which is a precursor to Angry Birds, but nowhere near as popular.


The story starts with Jack, a survivor of a recent zombie outbreak. He has made a barricade and must survive there until help arrives. Typical story for a zombie game, but it is a flash game, so it can slide - 6/10


The intro music at the title screen puts out an eerie mood, but that gets overlooked sometimes because of the generic Zombie/Gun SFX
- 6/10


The graphics are pretty good for a game made in 2007, and it was a good idea to have some variations within the zombie types, so that zombies of the same kind can look different, yet stay recognizable as that type.
- 7/10


The gameplay isn't groundbreaking or anything, but it is playable
- 6/10


It wouldn't be a game I would replay more than once after I beat it unless it's been a few years for memories' sake.
 - 1/10


I enjoyed it, and would recommend it, but only for a one time play. The sequels are much more enjoyable naturally, but I'll talk about those in a later review.

Total Score:  5.5/10

Thursday, 17 January 2013

[Painting] Fantasy Castle

This painting is of a fantasy castle. It isn't realistic, but it isn't supposed to be.

[Painting] Price Of Oil

I did this painting to show more awareness of pollution, and how the ducks are trying to fly free, but many cannot.

[Painting] Armored Dragon

This painting is also of a dragon, but it is sort of an armored one. These are acrylic paintings that I did.

[Painting] Semi-Robotic Dragon

This is a painting I did of a being that is part dragon and part robot.

Tuesday, 15 January 2013

[Music] RHCP Talk

I have recently been listening to more Red Hot Chili Peppers. My favorite of their songs is either Dani California or Snow (Hey Oh). RHCP are an alternate rock band mostly, and have been active from 1983. They have had many top ten hits across their career, notably Snow (Hey Oh). Snow was the number one hit on the Billboard modern rock chart right at release and for a few weeks after that. I've always tried to learn how to play Snow, but the guitar pattern moves really swiftly.

Friday, 11 January 2013

[Misc] My Guitar

This is what my guitar looks like, although I haven't played much recently.


Hey everyone, it's Jake, and this is a post. I will be sharing information about random movies, games, music, and more. Follow to see more later