Four Second Frenzy is a series of small, 4 second games within a bigger game. The goal is to play the minigames with the arrow keys and space bar, and you only have 4 seconds for each one!
There isn't much of a story, you play the minigames, and then play more minigames to beat the boss
- 1/10
The only real SFX are the buzzer sounds when you lose a minigame. The music is pretty well done, but it gets old pretty quickly.There is no mute button, unfortunately.
- 5.5/10
The animation work for the objects like the blob that has to collect stars is really well done, and the game art is simplistic at times but it works into the cartoony minigame style of the game
- 5/10
Gameplay is smooth, and works for what it is. The only playability complaints I would have is the hugh amount of lag during the zombie minigame and the sensitive crazy controls of that blob catching stars minigame.
- 4/10
There are a few different modes, which allow for variation in the style of play, and the game makes you want to keep playing until you never lose any of the 50 minigames.
- 3.5/10
Another one of those quick, pick up and play for 10 minute sort of games. An ancient gem, nonetheless.
Total Score: 4.5/10
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